Illustration And Creative Direction Project Enquiries
Get me to tell your brand story.
Please use this form to share as much information about your project as possible.
I will then reply to arrange a call where I will walk you through my process and discuss your project in more detail.
* I can only provide an accurate quote once I have gathered all relevant information.
My Process
We’ll start with a conversation. I’ll ask some questions, you’ll tell some stories and we’ll uncover insights into what makes you unique. This will help create work tailored to your individual needs.
We will discuss what you need, how soon you need it and what your needs will cost.
For ease of mind I’ll send you a project proposal which will outlines everything we’ve discussed plus a quote.
By the end of this process we’ll be on the same page ready to begin.
Using the information gathered in the Discovery phase I’ll research, begin to sketch and develop ideas.
Which I’ll share with you to get your feedback.
From here I’ll refine the ideas based on our discussion. This process is designed to be collaborative but leaves plenty of room for creativity.
By the end of this process, we will have created and selected suitable concepts ready to be Finalised.
After concepts have been chosen and revisions applied. The artwork will be developed digitally, colour and typography will be added and refined.
We’ll be looking at the finished piece ready to high five on a job well done!
By the end of this process, you will be shown the final digital artwork. And sign it off once you’re happy
After the final artwork is approved, all of the deliverables will be saved for print and web then emailed in proper file types.
With the project at end, we’ll remain friends on social channels such as LinkedIn and Instagram so we can catch up from time to time :)
By the end of this process, your designs can be rolled out across your brand and you’ll have a new fan rooting for your success!